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Band on Stage

MovieMy Music

Music Videos & Live Event Coverage 

Cubans&Cognacs Live.jpg

Live Event Coverage

Got an event coming up?

Either you want your band's performance covering or you run the festival and want the whole show recording. Let's have a chat. We can offer from a one man floating camera, to a full team including aerial coverage.

from £150 + Travel for One Band
from £500 + Travel for Full Festival

Music Video

Do you want to take your band's image to the next level?

Let's discuss making a short movie out of your song

Whether it's studio based or on the streets

from £500 + Travel

Portrait of a Couple


Do you need a fresh new album cover? Poster art? Or want a new cover photo for your social media?

We can sort that out for you!

from £100 for 2 Hours 
£50/hr after

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